IT’S FRIDAY! Welcome to the weekend yinz! Today I want to share with you a particularly CHALLENGING and SUPER FUN training session that you can do in just 20 minutes. Grab two kettlebells and get ready to unleash your weekend strength warrior! Weekend Warrior Challenge Directions: You will need two kettlebells for this session. 1 […]
The Double Kettlebell Swing: What it is, Why You Should Do It, and Putting this Lift to the Test
WELCOME TO WORKOUT WEDNESDAY! This month on our VIP elite forum, we have been working on a ton of swings to get back to basics. Today, we are going to use our beloved swing to double up our strength and conditioning. Grab two kettlebells of equal weight and get ready for some double kettlebell swings. […]
Back in the Swing of Things!
Welcome to a whole lot of kettlebell swings! It’s February, and if you fee like you were off your game with your January resolutions, FEAR NOT! You, dear reader, are NOT ALONE! Starting up new fitness habits can be challenging, especially when you feel overwhelmed by one-too-many-changes-all-at-once. Lately, I have been all about keeping things […]
Back to Basics: The Kettlebell Swing
Make no mistake, I am all about the kettlebell military press, but having spent a lot of time teaching newbies the ins and outs of kettlebell training, there is no better lift to work your strength and conditioning quite like the kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing is considered one of the six fundamental lifts of […]
The Pistol Squat 2.0- Mastering the Body Weight Pistol for Power
One of my clients is working on her pistol squat to one day compete for the Iron Maiden Challenge. While I cannot disclose the specific training I have given her, I CAN tell you it was less dense that the usual preparatory work that goes into getting your RKC/SFG kettle bell certification. For the Iron […]
Flashbacks: RKC Level 1 and the Blog that Started it All!
A friend and kettlebell colleague gave me a challenge to get out of my own head. “I think you should write up your old RKC level 1 prep and post it online.” I thought this was an odd challenge, considering I had written that post YEARS ago on my very first blog, To be honest […]
Beaten Into Submission: External Vs Internal Negativity, and How to Break Through it All
How’s that for a mouthful of a title? What a week last week was in the life of the avid strength athlete! Yours truly travelled across the states to spend time at the Women’s Fitness Summit, and had some time to talk shop on the Motivation and Muscle Podcast with Eric Fiorillo. While I would […]
Got 15 Minutes? Quick Training for Busy Bees!
I have a timely blog post for you today, as I find myself writing this in a coffee shop with multiple errands on my schedule and tons of work to get done today. I can relate with you on this, those of you reading this that feel too pressed for time to find the time […]
Heavy Kettlebell Swings: How to Gain Serious Power In Minimal Time
It is worth noting that after completing my own sets of heavy kettlebell swings this week, instagram had alerted me to the fact that “Strong Ass Life” was a trending hashtag when I went to post my footage. With all the heavy kettlebell swings we are getting into here today, I can think of no […]
Take Action and Cherish The Day TODAY!
I found myself sitting in the pews of Saint Peter’s Parish on the North Shore of Pittsburgh. It has been a long time since I had found myself in a Church, and I blame that mostly on the complete upheaval and restructuring of my own business. Life is so much better now that all that […]