We are into the third week of the first test program on the VIP training forum on facebook. I am happy with the results thus far on part of the participants, and we recently did a fun little weekend challenge that I will be revealing this Friday. That being said, I had a question come […]
The Powerful Pull Up Program
Today is the day folks! I need a handful of strength training guru’s to meet me at the pull up bar for my first test program of the year! Starting April 1st, I will be working alongside YOU, the reader and trainee on this program, to enhance your current pulling power, or master your very […]
Let’s Hang Out: Hang Training for Pull-Up Power
Welcome to our hang out session 😉 Today, I will be discussing two styles of hang training that will not just help with stretching your back and shoulder stability, but will also help you master the right amounts of strength to facilitate your first pull up. The first hang drill I want to discuss is […]
Pull Ups From the Ground Up: Training for Your First Rep
I took nearly 8 months off of serious pull up training due to a) focussing on my strong first level 2 kettlebell certification and b) going through some wacky and WILD situations back in Pittsburgh that had taken a stressful toll on me personally. Believing that I could just step up to my home pull […]
Are you ready for a workout and nutrition program that is GUARUNTEED to reshape your mind, body and spirit for incredible strength all around? WE ARE BACK IN THE SWING OF THINGS! One of the main culprits to not making progress is diving head first into a murderous training program and rigid eating style. […]
Body Weight Basics: 3 Exercises for Full Body Strength (and they may help your lifting too!)
Our current VIP member are working on a hybrid program of both Kettlebell and Body weight training for superior strength. Last week we focussed on why kettlebell training yields ultimate strength and conditioning, and this week, I want to address 3 basic body weight drills that will not only make you incredibly strong as is, […]
The Minimal Effective Dose: Hardstyle Training in Minutes a Day
Have you ever had one of those moments when you looked over your schedule, and realized that you were truly crunched for time to exercise? Busy lives filled with work responsibilities (bills bills gotta pay the bills!) taking care of our families and loved ones, let alone having enough time to get to the gym […]
The Price We Pay for Staying “Healthy”: Where You Invest Your Time and Money Matters
I was utterly baffled by what I was listening to in the middle of a conversation about fitness, strength training and eating healthy, but my being baffled quickly shifted into the realization that we here in America struggle with a very serious problem plaguing our society more so each day. I’m not here to talk […]
Enter Ye the Drop Set: Training for The Weighted Pull-Up
Now that I don’t have another kettlbell certification to worry about for another year or so, I decided to take the time to structure the weighted pull up training that was originally programmed for me via Karen  Smith.  I wanted to discuss a training tip today that I learned from that Master Herself when it […]
The Double Kettlebell Military Press
It’s time to get back to our discussion on the double kettlebell military press, push press, and clean and jerk. Today, we will be discussing the double kettlebell military press as a way to lay the foundation for more advanced kettlebell training. The double ketbell military press is an exercise that requires a ton of […]