WELCOME TO 2017! Let’s get this party started, shall we? The name of the game today is muscular endurance, well. . .sort of. Generally speaking, muscular endurance is “the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.” This particular skill is as important to […]
Crossing over Bridges : Laying a Healthy Foundation for 2017
Ok ok ok! It isn’t quite Christmas yet, but I am already excited for this new year to kick off! Last week I spent a majority of my own time wrapping up my own new writing pieces and working ahead on the new VIP monthly coaching program to launch next week! Taking the time to […]
The Turkish Get Up Ladder and Grip Strength
Our last round of the second round of the Strength and Endurance beta test has been incredibly fun, and equally challenging. Our group has been going through routines that demand a lot of long cycle strength routines, not to mention a lot of conditioning work. We are laying the foundation for the next round of […]
The Bridge of Strength and Endurance: Beta Test 2
Back in May, I launched a program that was titled “The Bridge of Strength and Endurance”. At the time, I had just completed two big fitness events back to back. Event number one was my Strong First Level 2 Kettlebell Certification, and the second event was the X-Man obstacle race in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Both […]
Attack of the Kettlebell Snatch! Training for Ultimate Conditoning
The kettlebell snatch is arguably one of the most demanding lifts you can do for sheer conditioning and endurance. As a dual level 2 certified kettlebell instructor with Dragon Door and Strong First, I can tell you that I have tested and re tested and tested some more of the usual 100 rep 5 minute […]
Habit Based Coaching- Assessment, Reassessment, and Making Your Dreams a Reality
Another personal milestone was hit over the weekend. I am officially Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified. I decided to study under this company after having gone through 1 year of coaching with Precision Nutrition as a coaching client. During this year of my life, I assessed, reassessed, and established habits that would not only change […]
My Top 3 Favorite Lifts for Strength, Conditioning, and Overall Endurance
Many of you who have been following me up to this point have probably seen a shift in my own fitness mantra. Don’t get me wrong, my Powerful Pressing Program is still my number 1 thing. I am never NOT going to be doing my single or double 28kg military press because. . .well. . […]
Your Swing is NOT a Squat- How to do a Kettlebell Swing like a Boss!
I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who had confronted me about something she saw in the world of kettlebell swings. “Did I miss some special kind of kettlebell swing, where you SQUAT while swinging? I have been witnessing a bunch of trainers show this weird looking sorta-swing. I am dead serious […]
Kicking Off The South Side Summer Kettlebell Swing Challenge!
THE SOUTH SIDE SUMMER SWING CHALLENGE IS HERE! TODAY, we are launching our first EVER kettlebell swing challenge! If you’re looking to shed the winter weight, become stronger than you ever thought possible AND test your personal limits, THIS CHALLENGE IS FOR YOU! We here at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh have put together a […]
May The 4th- Storming the Gates of the South Side!
Friends, Family, Clients, and Citizens of the Greater City of Pittsburgh! PHEW! We have been dealing with a LOT here over the past few months. I am excited to announce that we have officially begun our moving process to 903 East Carson Street. Today, I wanted to ramp things back up and let yinz all […]