Confession: I have a new favorite workout that has nothing to do with the kettlebell military press. Don’t get me wrong, the military press is my be all end all favorite lift of all time (and if you want to get SUPER STRONG at the press, click this link for some Powerful Pressing), but lately, […]
The Challenge of Thinking Forward- Your Life 1 Year from Today
I will never forget my epic conversation with my business and mindset coach. In fact this conversation happened just yesterday, and it has been stuck in my mind so much that it’s worth writing about. The conversation we had was intense, so much so that I felt like I had a solid kick in my […]
The Heavy 1 Arm Swing For Effortless Snatches: Training Tips for Snatching Mastery
One of my private clients here in the Burgh is training for here level 1 RKC. On her first evaluation with me, we tested the 5 minute snatch test per the testing standards. When you train for a kettlebell certification, one of the testing standards is to do 100 reps of snatches at specific weight […]
Powerful Pressing- Seminar Info, The Pittsburgh Launch, and How You Can Share Super Human Strength In Your Community
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Greater City of Pittsburgh, and all yinz people of the internet, With the success of my military press program “Powerful Pressing”, I have received a plethora of inquires regarding when my official seminars would come to life. Today, I ahve some exciting news for you all regarding that very launch. […]
Habit Based Coaching- Assessment, Reassessment, and Making Your Dreams a Reality
Another personal milestone was hit over the weekend. I am officially Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified. I decided to study under this company after having gone through 1 year of coaching with Precision Nutrition as a coaching client. During this year of my life, I assessed, reassessed, and established habits that would not only change […]
My Top 3 Favorite Lifts for Strength, Conditioning, and Overall Endurance
Many of you who have been following me up to this point have probably seen a shift in my own fitness mantra. Don’t get me wrong, my Powerful Pressing Program is still my number 1 thing. I am never NOT going to be doing my single or double 28kg military press because. . .well. . […]
My Favorite Smoothies This Week- Alexandra Barone
Well, it’s officially HOT in Pittsburgh. Okay, it’s kinda warm. Like, it’s nice to be outside and I’m rocking shorts regularly. Naturally, my meals are starting to reflect the sunshine and that means smoothies. I secretly want soups and stews, but it’s all about the cold stuff, salads included. The fun part about a smoothie? […]
Your Swing is NOT a Squat- How to do a Kettlebell Swing like a Boss!
I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who had confronted me about something she saw in the world of kettlebell swings. “Did I miss some special kind of kettlebell swing, where you SQUAT while swinging? I have been witnessing a bunch of trainers show this weird looking sorta-swing. I am dead serious […]
Kicking Off The South Side Summer Kettlebell Swing Challenge!
THE SOUTH SIDE SUMMER SWING CHALLENGE IS HERE! TODAY, we are launching our first EVER kettlebell swing challenge! If you’re looking to shed the winter weight, become stronger than you ever thought possible AND test your personal limits, THIS CHALLENGE IS FOR YOU! We here at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh have put together a […]
Traditional Dutch Oven Braised Lamb: Easter at it’s Finest-Alexandra Barone
This week’s recipe is very near and dear to me. It comes with a bit of a back story. When I first began eating healthier, I quickly learned that the slow-cooker was my friend. I was adventurous while perusing the butcher’s meat selection, taking a stab at excessively large and cheap cuts thinking, “I can […]