We have a saying in our lifting community: “The meaning of life is pressing heavy shit above your head!”. If there is one lift I absolutely LOVE, it’s the military press. In fact, over the years I believe the military press as become my favorite lift of all time, the kettlebell snatch being a close […]
The Military Press and Why Your Whole Body Needs It
There is something truly primal about lifting a weight above your head. It’s as if our own primitive, caveman-like selves are awakened by practicing the over head lifts. The Military Press has a particularly unusual ability to make us feel stronger just by merely practicing the lift. Friend and fellow kettlebell instructor, Daniel Byrnes, said […]
Spring into Strength
Pittsburgh is about to get stronger! Primal Fitness Pittsburgh is excited to announce that we are pressing forward (literally speaking) into our very first written program. In as little as 4 weeks, you can see MASSIVE and DRAMATIC strength gains while simultaneously getting leaner. The only catch is WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our publication to […]