Are you ready for a workout and nutrition program that is GUARUNTEED to reshape your mind, body and spirit for incredible strength all around? WE ARE BACK IN THE SWING OF THINGS! One of the main culprits to not making progress is diving head first into a murderous training program and rigid eating style. […]
Cleaning Up Your Heavy Swing! Powerful Pressing 2.0
POWERFUL PEOPLE! IT IS ON! Today we are diving into the kettlebell swing clean ladder. This featured workout is designed to a) increase overall grip strength on your kettlebell and b) strength your lats with some serious power to feed into your press. Stacking both of these lifts together in a unique fashion will also […]
All About the Squat- Daniel Byrnes
I love squatting. Goblet squats open up your hips, single & double (kettlebell or barbell) front squats build posture and abbies, and overhead squats, well, they’re miserable. And the squat snatch? That’s miserable and scary. I’m more of a squat clean guy when it comes to the Oly lifts. You can’t drop the bar on […]