With the release of Powerful Pressing out in the internet, it’s high time to start digging deep into the that program and revealing some super top secret training secrets from this publication to the rest of you. Remember, I am hell bent on making you stronger that you ever though possible, so I’ve decided to […]
How Bad Do You Want It?
UP. down. AlL OvEr ThE eFfInG pLaCe. That seems to be the general theme of the past few months of my life. There are a lot of awesome things in store for me and Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, but there are a lot of obstacles to climb over to get to the awesome summit. Sometimes I […]
Welcome to a New Era of Strength!
It’s been nearly 4 years since I have been blogging my way through the internet talking about all things related to healthy eating, strength training, and living life to the fullest in Pittsburgh, the city I love so much. What started as a quirky blog called “The Primal Burgher” quickly evolved into something much more refined, powerful, and for […]