Mastering our instincts and refining our strengths happens when we make the commitment to eat smart, train hard, and enjoy our lives. Establishing strong, healthy habits can be challenging though, and keeping commitments we make even to ourselves may prove a bit more challenging if we don’t have a plan of action and the accountability […]
Breathing Mechanics For Pull Up Training and Why that Matters
Breathing. Inhaling and exhaling. We take this daily habit of getting oxygen into our lungs for granted, as it is ingrained in our brains to breathe for the sake of keeping ourselves alive. :If you don’t breathe, you die.”, says Vladimir Vasiliev, author of “Let Every Breath” and head instructor of the school of Systema […]
WELCOME TO THE PULL UP PARTY! Get Your First, Your Reps, Your MAX Weighted Pull Up
Ohio Spartan Beast 2017: In the books! I am incredibly thankful for the good times, the scary times, and the victory we all experienced as we crossed over to the finish line. The entire experience had me thinking about training, taking my own training a HELL of a lot more serious, and realizing that the […]
Enter Ye the Drop Set: Training for The Weighted Pull-Up
Now that I don’t have another kettlbell certification to worry about for another year or so, I decided to take the time to structure the weighted pull up training that was originally programmed for me via Karen Smith. I wanted to discuss a training tip today that I learned from that Master Herself when it […]
The Strength in Support
Over the weekend I found myself in an difficult conversation over a difficult subject with a friend. The past year and a half of my life was filled with what seemed like the non stop physical battle of climbing over one obstacle after another after another. The constant “Go! Go! Go!” of my life eventually […]