Mastering our instincts and refining our strengths happens when we make the commitment to eat smart, train hard, and enjoy our lives. Establishing strong, healthy habits can be challenging though, and keeping commitments we make even to ourselves may prove a bit more challenging if we don’t have a plan of action and the accountability […]
Breathing Mechanics For Pull Up Training and Why that Matters
Breathing. Inhaling and exhaling. We take this daily habit of getting oxygen into our lungs for granted, as it is ingrained in our brains to breathe for the sake of keeping ourselves alive. :If you don’t breathe, you die.”, says Vladimir Vasiliev, author of “Let Every Breath” and head instructor of the school of Systema […]
Welcome to a New Era of Strength!
It’s been nearly 4 years since I have been blogging my way through the internet talking about all things related to healthy eating, strength training, and living life to the fullest in Pittsburgh, the city I love so much. What started as a quirky blog called “The Primal Burgher” quickly evolved into something much more refined, powerful, and for […]