Obviously this post is about the strict, kettlebell military press 😉 Happy Friday Yinz! Our VIP coaching forum is kicking up and private clients here in Pittsburgh have never been stronger! I am so stoked to dive right into today’s post about one of my favorite body weight exercises, and to show three different variations […]
So You Want To Get Your First Pull Up?- The Case for the Inverted Row
Over the past few weeks I have met with a number of women who all had the same goal in mind for their personal feat of strength: they desire the tactical pull up. Nothing works the lats, abs, shoulders, and not to mention your grip strength quite like the pull up. In my humble and […]
“But Don’t I Have to Lift Weights to Get Strong?”- Guest Post by Ryan Williams, PCC Instructor at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh
“I’ve been asked this question dozens of times after suggesting to people that all they really need to be strong and fit is their own body and a little guidance. Yes, you can get very strong by lifting heavy things, be they barbells, dumb bells, kettlebells or rocks, but you don’t have to lift any […]