Greetings readers! I am still in Florida soaking up the sun and loving life! Today’s post is all about flipping out over fitness. I hope yunz enjoy this blog post, as we are going to take a dive head first into something that has grabbed my attention. Plus, you’ll see just how excited my friend and number one fan got over her recent strength gains! We’re going to have a ton of fun today, so let’s get down to business!
First, let me address this issue of tire flipping. I had an interesting facebook status this morning related to tire flipping. While hanging out down here in Florida, I came across a lot of people who were shocked by the fact that I have not tried flipping tires yet. Yes, it’s the truth. Today I woke up and really felt like I was missing out on something truly awesome, so I got online and posted the following to my facebook timeline.

Now, if you’re friends with me on facebook you’ll notice that this status resulted with 23 comments from some pretty awesome fitness gurus and friends. I’d like to thank Laurel Blackburn of Boot Camps to Go for being the first to FLIP OUT over my status. Laurel is one of those women I like to refer to as “scary strong”. She has been known to flip some seriously heavy tires. Don’t believe me? Well, watch her live in action below!
Make sure yinz all follow Laurel’s blog at In case you didn’t know, Laurel Blackburn is basically the strongest grandmother around, and that’s real talk ya heard? Read all about it here!
If that wasn’t enough, my other “scary strong” friend Adrienne Harvey of FLIPPED OUT over my tire flipping facebook status as well. In fact, she was nice enough to take five minutes out of her day for an impromptu video Skype session to show me proper tire flipping form. Now, I am NOT AN EXPERT on this subject, but what I WILL say about my impromptu intro to tire flipping session is this. Tire flipping appears to be very similar to Kettlebell Swings. You have to flatten your back the same way you would before a swing and load your arms and legs about the same as well. the tricky part here is that your palms are facing outward to hold the tire on the bottom of the ground. You have to lift the tire upward and use youre knee to lift the tire further so it’s vertical. Finally, you just push the tire over with your hands using all the remaining momentum from the initial lift. This is some hardcore lifting that is contingent on proper form and technique. Check out the video below on how to progress to a really long tire flipping workout. Warning: this video is INTENSE and may make you want to flip some tires yourself!
I simply MUST try this! If any of you guys up in da Burgh know of how to arrange such an epic tire event, please leave your email in the comment section of this blog. I’m serious. I want to flip tires ASAP!
Finally, I want to finish up this blog post with a special shout out to one of my life long friends. My buddy Katie Penrose (she gave me permission to use her full name) go way back and she has officially become my #1 fan. Katie has been an avid follower of this blog and has been so inspired by my own fitness journey that she decided to start a fitness journey of her own. This woman is a hard worker when it comes to her career and her fitness goals, and she FLIPPED OUT when she noticed some nice hypertrophy in her arms. Katie was even nice enough to let me post this photo of the best text message I have ever received. Check this out!

GO KATIE!!! You are rocking those biceps! Keep it up and in no time, you’ll see some serious gains! I am proud of you girl! GET IT!
That’s it from the Burgher on the Beach today. Remember to always eat smart, train hard, and enjoy your life!
Love Always,