“As I climbed out of the police car I could feel my heart ready to leap out of my chest. I carefully listened to the officer’s instructions and tried to do as he said, while the two inebriated passengers in my car watched breathlessly. The rain poured down hard on me as I took the test then rejoined the officer to discuss the outcome: I had passed. I had dodged the biggest bullet of my life. It was at this moment that I knew I needed to make a change. “
– Margaret Schlachter, Obstacle Race Training
5 miles. 29 obstacles. Muddy AF terrain. Chilling temperatures.
I willing signed up for this too. Go figure 😉
The first obstacle course that I ran was the X Man Race in Canada, and I also had the pleasure of testing the American Ninja Warrior Course in Philadelphia soon after. I don’t know what it is about this sport, but it challenges every aspect of my strength.
A fellow kettlebell instructor friend of mine said it the best last weekend. “Obstacle racing is a thinking man’s sport”. The mental aspect of the game is what I love the most! These races are demanding, and often scary in terms of the kinds of obstacles you are required to conquer. I like doing scary things these days. Overcoming fears has been my staple now, and I will continue to do so moving forward.
It was in the middle of this course that I came to realize something. Something I have finally come to terms with in my own life. Something I have been working on with my VIP coaching members. Something that I had read the very day of the race from a woman who used this sport to change her life. Something that every other racer came away with from that race
We found our strengths in our weakest moments.
We all have had to face some challenging obstacles and grueling events in our life that would test our mental endurance. We all have our stories, and some of the chapters of our lives can run down steep and dark terrain.  We have those muddy areas in our lives, and large hills to climb up out of the dirt. The challenge at bay: to finish our course of action or quit.
But when we choose to press on through our weakest moments, we discover how powerful we really are. At our weakest, we discover our true strengths.Â
I have a challenge for you all this week. I want you to do some dirty work. Answer the questions below in this post. Write them out on a sheet of paper, or post a comment below in this post with the answers that you have.
What obstacles are you facing in your life?
What challenges are you in front of?
What seems to be that thing that is stopping you from success?
What is challenging your personal strength?
Most importantly, what can you choose to do TODAY that will help you conquer the course of your life?
In weakness, we find true strength. Â
I want to hear from you! Share your story! Conquer your course! YOU are a POWER HOUSE, just like all those Spartans out there 😉
Press on!