This week has been a truly incredible week for a number of reasons. I’ve gotten myself out on the trails again since the weather in Pittsburgh is FINALLY up to speed (catch the running pun? 😉 ). Not only that, but I have been talking with a number of newbies on our Powerful Pressing Program about their goals and why they have chosen to sign up for the opportunity to join our online coaching forum.
Perhaps the highlight of this incredible week came from my personal phone call out to a woman who needed help securing her spot for our online coaching forum (which by the way, is set to commence on April 4th). At first, I had to calm the woman down because she was overridden with excitement from the fact that I personally called her. The “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY CALLED ME ON THE PHONE! YOU’RE FAMOUS” statement will go down as the best thing I have ever heard on a call (and is also a reminder that I’ll be needing to change my phone number soon). We got to chatting about why she joined the pressing program in the first place, and i was truly blown by the response.
“After completing my kettlebell certification, I just felt like I fell off my fitness wagon. I achieved the goal of becoming a certified instructor. . .but. . .I felt like I was lost with how to keep training for a specific purpose. I have to continue to challenge myself in some way, and THIS. . .THIS is perfect! “
Falling off the fitness wagon. . .my God! I resonate with that a TON! This entire year in the works of creating Powerful Pressing has been a very pressing year indeed (ok, no pun intended there I swear!). There was a reason I have contacted Precision Nutrition a while back, and that was to make sure that I kept up with my smart eating habits and training scheudle DESPITE the random craziness of my business lady world. It is so so easy to be off your training game after achieving a huge feat. It’s that all-or-nothing outlook on life that can actually wreck your fitness game. It’s that “I got my goal, so I’m done training all together!” attitude that is just. . .eh. . ..not so bueno.
I think it’s even easier to forget our training needs when life throws it’s punches at you, in some cases non-stop. I get it. I hear you. And trust, me, I understand! The point is to continue to press on through the difficulties of life and continue to challenge yourself to become a better, stronger, more powerful person along the journey. If you’re a fitness professional, your body is your business, and we are called to hold ourselves to a higher standard than most in order to better the lives of others. Press on! If you’re the trainee, I ask what you’d like to achieve to keep yourself motivated and challenged. If you’re ready for a full body strength program that will challenge your strength and conditioning, I’d say. . on! Finally, if you’ve lost your way with keeping yourself strong and healthy and are looking for a program to keep you strong and healthy, register for Powerful Pressing and press on!
Powerful Pressing is a 1 rep max military press program designed to foster full body strength to sustain a very heavy, 1 rep max military press. It’s not just about upper body lifts, but conditioning your body to endure repeated strength demands from a number of different exercises. Not only will your strength increase for your press, but you can expect to become stronger in your pulling, swinging, and all things heavy with your kettlebell training. Register today and you’ll gain access to our online coaching forum set to commence on April 4th, 2016. You’ll also gain access to yours truly via facetime and skype for any additional coaching calls you may need in the interim. No joke! THIS IS THE REAL DEAL!
I look forward to working with you soon and seeing your strength dramatically increase live on our forum. Enjoy your weekend ! Until next time. . .